Wellbeing Brain Injury
Aim: Canadians living with brain injury face many long-term challenges with reduced functioning and activity limitations. In addition, it has been found that physical and mental conditions are more common and result in negative effects on the rate of recovery. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has been shown in several studies to improve an individual’s psychological health by modifying emotional, behavioural, and cognitive responses that would otherwise not adjust well to certain environments or situations.
The Neuro Program will aim to provide free education and guidance on simple but effective techniques for managing depression and/or anxiety for those with neurological conditions. The program will help manage both their emotional wellbeing (e.g., stress, anxiety, low mood) and cognitive wellbeing (e.g., planning, memory, attention).
Who's eligible? Those with mild to moderate brain injury living in the community
PI: Swati Mehta, PhD, Eldon Loh, MD
How to participate: participate from here!